Tuesday, 1 June 2010


I will be in Texas in about 12 hours. How odd is that?
After a week of focus and reading the Word though, God really has given me a peace about everything.
Not gonna lie, I'm going to miss some people quite a bit, but I am so excited to get off my butt and start working for God's glory :) Way more fun and rewarding than sitting around.
I do have to say though, it's been interesting how God's worked through my moods though, if that makes any sense. I let myself get pretty down and discouraged the other day about some things, and decided to pick up a random book to cheer myself up. I ended up picking up a Charles Spurgeon book about praising God. It's funny how those thing happen. My heart was so far from feeling like praising- but some of the things he said just smacked me upside the head.
"Do we sing as much as the birds? Yet what do birds have to sing about compared to us? Do you think we sing as much as the angels? Yet they were never redeemed by the blood of Christ. Birds of the air, will you excel me? Angels of heaven, will you exceed me? You have done so, but I intend to imitate you from now on, and day by day, night by night, I will pour forth my soul in sacred song"
That rocked my world a bit. How often have I gotten caught up in worries and pleas to God while I should be praising Him for every breath I breathe?
"Oh, I wish we would often break through order and decorum to give our Lord a song. He well deserves it. May we not let cold ingratitude freeze the praises on our lips."
It's so easy to get used to singing praises on Sundays and along with the radio, but never forget why we sing. Even when we're discouraged, unable to tell what God is doing, or worn down- we have a God who cares about us deeply enough to send His son to die for us. How can we live without praising a God like that? It doesn't make sense.
Not only with our lips should we praise Him, but with our lives-"To feel not only submitted, but willing to be anything or nothing as the Lored wills it--this is, in truth, to sing a song to our Well Beloved."
Sorry, that was the longest tangent ever, but it rocked to me. Our sweetest praises can be sung when we are in our deepest pain and despairs. I think that's pretty awesome.
Job 35:10 says that God "gives songs in the night." So even if you're feeling down as I did, cry out to God. Sing of His grace, his ever-presence, His love, His mercy.. He'll give you the song. He'll make you feel whole again.
As far as Texas goes, I can't wait to be there and serve my Prince :)
I've said my goodbyes (hate those..) and packed (mostly..), so I'm ready to get on that plane.
All I have to say is that I hope I get lots of emails and letters from you guys! You haven't a clue how much I'll miss you! No really, you don't even begin to know..
But I'll be praying for you all! Be assured in that.
love in Christ

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