Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Hello from Houston!

Sorry it's taken me more than 24 hours to post this, but I think I'm in love (oops. I realize I wasn't supposed to do that this summer...), but I adore this place!
In the past 48 hours, I have ridden in the teensiest plane ever (not too shabby though), met some amazing new friends, eaten Texas brisket (awesome), learned how to make some rockin balloon animals, heard a clown testimony, played some crazy team building games, helped a new friend with his English, and my personal favorite, played soccer with inner city hispanic children. Well, that's not all, but that's the condensed version.
It really is lovely here, though. I'm all cozy in my bottom bunk at the moment. We're in a room with 17 girls from all over the states, even three from Puerto Rico. We have pretty embroidered Ralph Lauren towels (I mistakenly used a floor mat as a towel last night... oops), matching bedspreads, and even a lounge with Rock Band and such. I made it entirely through a song on hard on guitar last night. I'm proud. I'm sure you were curious (NOT).
Now that I'm done with my extremely random and pointless banter about details I'm sure all of you were dying to know, I'll get onto the good stuff.
It's been wonderful being here. We've had tons of down time, which my summer has lacked thus far. I've had so much time even in these two days to just be still and read the Word, which has been awesome. I feel like God is already giving me a fire for this community. The street we're staying on apparently has at least one drug dealer and possibly a house that trafficks women, so the need for love in this community is great- I am so ready to be a part of that. You have no idea :)
Not only that, but I am so excited to serve along this group. There is such a wide age range-from 17 to 30 in the summer missionaries (or, as we are apparently properly known, Global Footprints Missionaries). They are all so passionate and gifted, and I know this is going to be such an awesome experience being able to learn from them and build relationships.
Hm. As far as updates, tomorrow I'll find out exactly where I'm serving and what I'm doing there. There are three buildings in which we'll serve, Gano Mission Center, Joy Fellowship Center, and Fletcher Mission Center. They all hold kids clubs throughout the week and do Bible studies, but there are a few differences, and I'll tell you exactly what I'll be doing when I find out.
Anywho, I need to go to bed soon, so I think I'll cut this blog to here. Sorry about rambling. Hopefully this'll be less awkward by the end of the summer...
I do have to say though, playing with those kids just gave me joy. I hope and pray that the rest of the community is as open to just goof off and have fun with us as they were. As horrid of a soccer player as I am, it made my day stumbling around and being schooled by a bunch of ten year old kids. I can't wait for a full summer with them :)
Aaaaaand finally..
If you guys need anything to pray about...
I have been having really odd back pain. Kept me up for a couple hours last night. I wouldn't complain much, but I need sleep..
Also, that my heart would stay open to grow in Christ and as a leader. I'm naturally quiet and introverted... so I'm working on this stepping up thing. So. Boldness.
And I'm still praying for peace about a few things.
And of course, for my fellow missionaries-those in Houston, my fellow Sendmenow kids, camp counselors... all of you!
Thanks guys :)
grace and peace
Oh, and I apparently unintentionally used our theme verse for the summer as the verse underneath my blog title haha. Our theme is Vive el Amor :) Cool beans.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you! It sounds like you're having an absolutely phenomenal summer =) I'm so glad that God is working in your life like he is!!! I wish it didn't have to be so far away from Georgia though!!! As for the back pain, it happens to me to. It generally has to do with flying and the strange pressure put on your back. I know I have a few old gymnastics injuries that get irritated by that sort of thing. Praying for you and love and miss you dearly!!!
