So, God is faithful and provident. Not just because He created chocolate, which pretty awesomely turned my rambunctious children into peaceful angels, but I don't know. He knows my heart. Which is pretty awesome.
It was beautiful. Pull out the chocolate, make some simple promises, and, poof!- I have sweet, intelligent niños. Like, really. There was a new girl today, and Ana, one of my regulars was like, "Oh you'll love Miss. She's so cool." (aww!). They all colored their blind man pictures, drew me pictures on the back when they finished, and even cleaned up. You have NO idea how exciting this is.
Not to mention, I am officially not a gringa by little Mexican children standards. :) They were saying something about gringos, and I asked them if that term applied to me, and Dario told me, "No miss, porque you speak Spanish!" So there. I win :)
But anywho, kids club today just rocked my socks off entirely. Totally made up for the icky constantly clogged bathrooms we clean-oh, that is quite the adventure. Silly elderly people. One day they'll learn...
In any case, I saw my little problem child, José, sitting off by himself today, and ended up going up and talking to him for a bit, and we decided to play some vball for a while, and lo and behold, I think he's actually pretty keen on me now. So, if nothing else, I think he trusts me now. And he actually participated in Bible study today :)
Funny enough, as much as it's odd to say, I love this whole teaching thing. I don't think I do in a degree changing way, but oh goodness do I love working with these kids.
Hm. So a former MCH missionary introduced me to a song, The Face of God by Dave and Jess Ray, and it kinda rocked my socks off a bit. Well, I don't know. It's just so true to me right now. Check it out.
Well.. I forgot to post that yesterday. Funny how days can be so polar.
So, remember my problem child, José? My director pulled me aside today and told me that he was born with only half of his heart. I know there's a high survival rate for that these days, but it just hurts me that he has to suffer. Apparently, it just bothers him a lot, and he can't come some days, and it's just not fair. If he needed treatment, I know for a fact his family couldn't afford anything.
Heartbreak numero dos. My favorite boy, Cristian, told me that a) his father got falsely accused of stealing and thrown into jail, then b) his papers got lost, and he got deported. So, Cristian, his six year old sister Melissa, his 12 year old brother José, and his fifteen year old brother Victor, have been without a father for four years. That family is just the sweetest family I have ever encountered and it broke my heart hearing him talk about it. I asked him if he's seen him since, and he said that his mom just told him that they might see him again one day. He doesn't even know what part of Mexico he's in.
So for all of you who are against "illegals" and think they need to go back to their home countries, bull crap. This is tearing families apart. The fact that one freaking piece of paper that can be so easily lost, and yes, it is simply paper, we studied it in FYS last year, can have such a hold on lives is ridiculous. That is so far from justice. Justice would be these families being together, not them struggling to raise four kids or more alone.
The reason most of the girls get pregnant at such young ages is that the mothers are usually working overtime to keep them sheltered, and have no time to care where their kids are and what they're getting into. At least one of our preteen's mothers was called by my director to see what his clothing sizes were and all he could do was cry because his mom was gone all day and he didn't know how to check. His mother is a prostitute.
This is a never-ending cycle that shouldn't even exist. People shouldn't be so helpless that they lean on prostitution to raise a family, that they have kids just so they can get welfare, that their parents can't raise them because they're busy trying to keep a roof over their head. Back to the passage in 1 Peter: "But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?"
Once again, that shouldn't exist.
Sorry about the rant, but I'm just kind of sick from seeing so much pain in one day.
Finally, as far as prayer goes, well, pray for my kids, first of all, and also, one of my good friends here is really sick right now and had to take the day off, so pray for her to regain strength.
Sorry for the depressingness, had to get that out.
Miss ya'll and love you more than you know :)
land of the "free" (see fineprint for details" and the home of the "brave" (limited to family matters and rare occasions of selflessness)
ReplyDelete{freedom not including: anyone from other countries, people with white skin, people with black skin, people who make less than $40k a year, people with disabilities, people in general, people who need love.}