Well, I'm sure God's going somewhere with this.
Praise: We went from 50 some odd kids when we started ministry to 83 kids yesterday-which is wonderful, but I had 21 nine and ten year olds... and that meant my class had to be split.
That was absolutely heart-wrenching. I counted them off during their craft, and told them who they'd be with, and oh, it was awful. Six of my favorites came up to me with the just the saddest looks on their face asking, "Miss? Can I please be in your class?" Ugh. It was the most depressing thing ever. Luís, Paula, Dario, and my sweet José are all in the other class now and it's quite literally tearing me apart. Especially José. I finally felt like I was getting through to him.
Maybe Sarah, their new teacher will get through to them better... I don't know. Ugh.
Then, I had the most spiritually draining (but wonderful) class ever yesterday. Our lesson plan was on the life of Christ (how broad is that for a 25 minute-usually less-lesson?). Well, the little devo they gave us held some pretty big ideas for young kids... and, well:
"Miss, how does Jesus have Joseph and God as his father?"
"But, if God is Jesus' father, who was God's wife?"
"Oh! Miss! I know who God's mother is-Guadalupe!!"
"Wait, why did God create the earth if He's going to destroy it?"
"If Jesus was omnipotent (after I taught them that word..), then why didn't he just keep himself from dying on the cross?"
"I thought mother earth was in control of the weather, not God..."
"My grandma says that when babies die at childbirth, it's because He doesn't want them to be in their families.."
"My grandma says that if we're good, we'll go to heaven."
"Oh! Miss! I know when the world's going to end! 2012!!"
That's just the opening questions. Let me just tell you, I'm pretty sure I ended up explaining the Bible from beginning to end in that short amount of time. Not to mention how they ought to construct their faith on their own and not rely on the concepts their families teach them, how no one knows the end of the earth, the concept of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit... and more.. all in the language that nine and ten year olds can process. Gotta say, those kids' questions were not what I expected... but I'm glad they're interested.
All I have to say, is man, do those kids teach me a lot-and make me think about things I haven't wondered in years. It's easy to fall into blind trust, which is great to have faith, but I guess you have to have knowledge to back it up.
I do love these kids.
One thing I did think about today is that after two weeks, I'm already heartbroken to not teach half of my kids. I will still see them in free time and craft, but it already physically pains me to not have that time with them. How in the world am I going to survive having to say goodbye to them in just over a month? That terrifies me..
Anyway, sorry, just had to get that out. I really can't express how deeply I care for these kids.
Oh, something I have forgotten to mention: Fletcher, another one of our centers, is basically next door to the largest AIDS clinic in the US. Interesting tidbit.
But as far as the rest of things are going here, we couldn't be more blessed. Their is such a beauty in this community. Beyond the rough edges and hardened hearts, their is hope for something better, and I would love to stick around to see that day. Quien sabe. God has a plan for me, for the centers here, and for each and every person so desperately in need in this community.
Not to mention, I love my group at Joy. Us six missionaries, our director, and coordinator really have bonded in the past three weeks, and I can't be more blessed. We get along ridiculously well, and they are just so gifted and sweet. The areas the have strengths in are definitely my weaknesses, and it's encouraging to see them and work with them. I know God is going to work in me in those areas this summer, and I am so excited. I've seen it already.
Anywho, time to deep clean the house. Love you guys :)
grace and peace
Awww :( I'm sorry you got split up from some of your kids....especially Jose (I like him based on your other posts. lol) I know that must be hard but it all has a purpose behind it, I'm sure. Sounds like you guys are really getting these kids to think, too. Those are some pretty big questions for kids their age. Keep up the good work, love. Love you! :) [And just for the record, I sort of love reading your blog haha. These kids sound so adorable!]