Tuesday, 14 June 2011

How do you say "I'm going to spend my life with you in spanish?"

Aaaaand groups have begun. After a summer with only about five last year, to have the whole summer booked up every week with volunteer mission groups coming daily is kind of awesome. It's a lot more responsibility in a different way, but at the same time, it's cool to be able to build relationships with them and see how God works through them during the week- not to mention, they are so encouraging when we're exhausted!
You know what's crazy? It's so easy to tell the difference when you're in prayer and not by how our days go. Yesterday, we were supposed to get this HUGE order of food in before kids club started- you know, 40 containers of chicken, 100 containers of corn, all that jazz, nothing big- and instead of coming two hours before the kids came, it came 5 minutes prior. Ha. Hilarious, right? So as the kids poured in, all 20 of us with the group (who is awesome! they are absolutely wonderful!) ran around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to get the food in the building, to the pantry, and organized. All the while, the kids were crazy. I walked in once, and our director was struggling to get everyone checked in and a couple of boys were in a fight. Well, that never happens. Not kidding.
The thing is, we didn't pray that afternoon. Every day before club, we always-always! pray. Prayer is so powerful. When we put our problems at the feet of God and trust Him with them, He will help us follow Him and will help us control our attitudes...
So, that's my brain-fried struggle of a thought for the day. Sorry if it didn't make a whoooole lot of sense. I tried.
Things you could pray for:
-We're taking our preteens and children on a field trip on Thursday- pray that things will go smoothly, kids will show up, and that no one gets lost or hurt!
- Unity in our house. I can tell prayer has had an effect!
- VoBS- Vocational Beginners School. We've just started this program this year for our teens (ones who have shown clear direction and motivation in their lives) to help train them on how to approach the work world in an informed and Godly way. It's pretty cool. Pray that it will be effective and will raise leaders in the community.
And that's about it for right now! Oh, and I did get cheesed at the last church we visited. At the dinner afterwards, a fifteen year old boy who was quite the awkward fellow asked me how to say "I'm going to spend my life with you in spanish."
No sir.
Anywho, spend some time in prayer today! 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says that we are to "pray without ceasing."
I know that's said a lot, but let's live it out. :)
grace and peace

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