How often will God remind me of my weakness this summer?
It's humbling over and over to realize that I am not in control. Although I have been placed in leadership as a position here, that does not grant me omnipotence in solving issues or helping people, or in any situation for that matter.
I mean, I hate not being able to help people. It seriously makes me uncomfortable when I can't think of a way to make someone feel better. I am a very empathetic person... so your pain is mine.
So when things come up like one of my boys finding a tumor in his leg when he is only 9 and by no means could afford treatment for anything along that line.. well, it makes me want to just give up. I can't do anything about it. It breaks my heart, but it's easy to sit there and simply crawl into despair in our weakness-but contrary to this, God's word says that His strength is found in our weakness. While this is true and so easy to proclaim in times of spiritual weakness, at the same time, in situations like this, it's the same. While I can't be there to hold this boy and financially support Luís, God will provide people around him if I have faith and am fervent in prayer to ask for His help. This is the trust that we have to have. Trust that no matter what we are faced with, whether God grants us the position and the means for Him to work through us specifically to bring His healing and justice, or if we have to submit to the truth that He will use others at some point and perhaps not while we can even see it- in any case, He is sovereign over all. His will is greater than ours, His ways higher than ours.
Pray that I will be able to see this not only in my brokenness over the situations with my children, but also with broken relationships and such among the team.
Lamentations 3:22-33
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