Nine day countdown...
Nine's my favorite number, if anyone's curious. Or three. Depends on the day.
I wish I could say that I feel totally prepared for this trek, but honestly, I need some prayer.
My prayer life and quiet times have been few and far between lately, and I feel really distant.
So, as I aimlessly searched for something, anything to provoke me and awaken my spirit after a convicting conversation with a friend tonight, I stumbled on Galatians.
Even though I've read it recently, I felt convictions all over the place. It's amazing how God throws new things out to you each time you read His word.
First off, Galatians 5:13-You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.
I've been using my freedom for my own gain. I've ignored responsibilities not only to glorify my God, but to honor my parents, serve my friends, and all in all, have simply indulged my sinful nature. It has been happily thriving.
Secondly, Galatians 5:6-The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
I haven't been loving as I ought to. I know that sounds simple, but I feel like I've let so many down lately for my own selfishness. My human idea of happiness is paltry compared to the importance of loving those in need.
That's not all God revealed to me.. but it's certainly a lot to work on. If I can't love those around me at home, not even in my own house, how can I love and serve others in another state?
Please pray that I can regain focus and fall in love with a Prince so much more worth my time than anything found in this world. Pray that I have the humility to serve everyone around me with love, and that my pride would be torn down so I could apologize and make things right with some loved ones. Most of all, pray that my desires match with His. There is a huge gray area in my life right now regarding that... and I don't want to desire anything that isn't what God desires for me. His plans are so much better than mine.
To end this out, is there anything I can pray for any of you?
Figure a good start is to take the focus off of myself...
Grace and peace.